In summary, the story is regarding Advantage Rent A Car's LA location and is appalling. They were (and still may be) providing dilapidated car seats estimated to be up to 22 years old, horribly dirty, missing parts, and far out of current safety standards. Why I say they still may be is here in a follow up story after Advantage had supposedly "fixed" the problem. Both accounts involve parents unable to find a seat with enough parts to even install it correctly, let alone be safe for their child to ride in. Although I haven't relied on a car rental agency for a car seat, I would have expected something dirty but at least within current safety standards. But I certainly never would have expected expired car seats, ones smelling of vomit, infant carriers missing the bases, or ones so outdated that they didn't have 5-point harnesses.
In general, manufacturers recommend car seats are replaced every 5 to 8 years depending on the model, except some intended for longer term use like the new Graco Nautilus (available in our car seat rental inventory). Think about bringing your child's seat with you or save the hassle and rent one from a dedicated baby equipment rental agency at your destination. Many companies, including Sweet Pea Baby Rentals, will deliver your car seat to your rental car counter and can ensure and safe, sanitzed, like new car seat. Even if you are at the center in a last minute bind for a safe car seat, call a baby equipment rental company. Most were born out of mom's and dad's having these same experiences and try to accomodate emergency situations.
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